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Meet Allie

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4x Certified Health and Nutrition Coach & Personal Trainer

My name is Allie Cass and I’m your concierge health and fitness coach and ultimate health hype woman. I help driven, high achieving women reclaim a life of health, strength, and vitality, so they can live each day fully alive.


As a former collegiate athlete turned margarita drinking queso eating party girl, turned professional bikini fitness competitor, turned integrative health and fitness fanatic and business owner, I know what it’s like to be on all ends of the health spectrum… The good, the bad, the ugly, and the obsessive.


I’ve gone from being tired, overweight, depressed, and feeling like I’m helplessly just trying to survive, to feeling energetic, fit, happy, healthy, and most importantly fully ALIVE each and every day.

Many people know me as Allie, the health and fitness coach who is always up for a new adventure.

What most people don’t know is how I got here and why I’m so passionate about taking an integrative mind-body approach to both health and fitness, and why I refuse to operate like the majority of my industry.


In 2014 my mom who was rarely sick a day in her life was diagnosed with a terminal form of brain cancer and given 18 months to live. 


We were shocked, scared, upset, and most of all confused as to why someone who was seemingly healthy would be faced with such a terrible diagnosis. 


Unfortunately, she passed away 8 months later and we were left with no answers, but what I did find in the process was a passion for true holistic health, not the kind that’s marketed to you on tv, via Instagram ads, or by pill pushing doctors, that I knew needed to be shared with women everywhere. 

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You see, true health and vitality is so much more than calories in vs calories out or fat burning supplement.

In fact, that’s an extremely minute and often unnecessary part of the bigger picture. 


This process became one of the biggest rabbit holes I’ve ever gone down, and is what propelled my own transformation physically and professionally, as I began to coach women around the country on transforming their health through fitness and nutrition. However, I still felt like there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing both inside of myself and when working with my clients that did not reveal itself to me until my father passed in early 2020, and I was once again reminded of the fragility of life.


What I remembered during this experience was that life is truly so short. We can literally die at any moment, and while that is a terrifying thought for some, it’s what gives us the drive to make the most out of each and every day, which is what I help women do through mind-body transformation.

I realized that the missing components of transformation that I had been searching for were right in front of me and are what has helped me turn my own personal pain into my biggest power.

Those components are self-love and addressing the mind, body, and soul as one healing entity, not as separate parts.


Life is so much more than having ribbed abs or a big booty and neither of those things mean much if you feel like crap and don’t have a positive relationship with yourself, your body, and your life, which is why I strive to take an integrative hands-on approach when working with all of my clients by addressing the root cause of their issues and addressing all areas to facilitate healing and true transformation. 


You are a beautiful, dynamic, unique, and complex being and deserve to be treated as such, particularly when working with a professional in this field. 


If you’re feeling lost or hopeless when it comes to your health and transforming the way you look and feel, please book a free consultation with me and I will help you map out an individualized plan to get you moving toward your goals. 


Most importantly, you are not alone in this journey… I got you!

- Allie Cass

 Education & Qualifications

BS Global Business & Economics, The University of Texas at Dallas.png

BS Global Business & Economics, The University of Texas at Dallas

Certified Personal Trainer, American College of Sports Medicine.png

Certified Personal Trainer, American College of Sports Medicine

Certified Nutrition Coach, Precision Nutrition.png

Certified Nutrition Coach, Precision Nutrition

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition.png

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Certified Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Specialist, Sam Miller Science.png

Certified Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Specialist, Sam Miller Science


Continuing Education in Functional Detoxification, ODX Academy

Certified Functional Health Practitioner, Metabolic Mentor University.png

Certified Functional Health Practitioner, Metabolic Mentor University (In Progress)

Certified Mind-Body Health Practitioner, Mind Body Food Institute.png

Certified Mind-Body Health Practitioner, Mind Body Food Institute (In Progress)

Master Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutrition Therapy Institute.png

Master Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutrition Therapy Institute (In Progress)

Since 2015, Allie has advocated for optimizing the health of women through education and application of non-medical interventions.


She is a 4x certified health and fitness coach with certifications from internationally recognized organizations in personal training, nutrition coaching, integrative nutrition health coaching, and functional nutrition and metabolism specialization. 


Allie is the founder of Allie Cass Health and the Metabolic Makeover - a customized 6-month online coaching experience that integrates health, fitness, nutrition, and mindset to help women reclaim a life of health, strength, vitality, and own their power so they can live life fully alive.


Outside of work, Allie loves strong coffee, dark chocolate, Pinot Noir, spending time in nature, reading self development books, and trying new things that push her outside of her comfort zone. 

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